Full time, full service, accuracy smith.
Long Range Benchrest, F-Class, Long Range Hunting, PRS, built to Benchrest standards.
43 world records in long range Benchrest and F-class.
In the IBS, NBRSA, Williamsport, and the NRA.

This is a cartridge I designed for F-Open competition. However it has also take off in long range hunting and tactical matches as well. The goal was to beat the 284 which was pretty much dominate in F Open at the time. By "beat" the 284, I mean beat it for raw accuracy and agging ability. Not speed. Now, the 7-6.5 PRCW did end up gaining a solid 100+ fps over the 284 but that was not the main goal and that speed is only a benefit if the cartridge also had an accuracy advantage. There have been other cartridges around for a long time that can drive a bullet faster than the 284, but they lacked in the accuracy department.
There is two names for this cartridge. The 7PRCW and the 7-6.5PRCW. Its the same thing. The reason is because when I designed it, there was no saami 7PRC. Now there is, so to try and avoid confusion I renamed it the 7-6.5PRCW. Its a simple necked up 6.5PRC (my version has a little different lead angle and base spec). You can either just use an expander mandrel to neck up 6.5PRC brass or you can buy factory 7-6.5PRCW head stamped brass from ADG. There are many die options out there. A 6.5PRC die with a 7mm neck bushing works if the die is opened up for the larger neck. Companies like Bullet Central and Cortina Precision also offer dies. A Wilson inline seater reamed with the chamber reamer is a great option for a seater die and many simply use a 7 saum seater as well. This cartridge is gaining in popularity fast so you will see many more die options in the future.